Waiter, service staff and guest calling systems
Waiter-, service staff and guest calling systems are providing professional solution in restaurants, catering units, supermarkets and sales points!
Guest calling systems
It happens many times in restaurants and catering units that the guests are waiting at server desk, and disturbing each others and the service staffs, instead that they are waiting comfortable and using the guest calling systems. The guest calling systems are providing the best solution to these problems.
MX-GUEST guest calling systems
pager solution (pager + terminal)
display solution (terminal + display)
simple calling solution (ticket dispenser + terminal + display)
Terminal, charger
numeric terminal
plastic case, desktop type
calling functions (call, steping, call number)
wireless connection with displays and pagers
pagers with charger
plastic case, ergonomic style
light, voice and number signal
wireless contact with terminal
more character display
plastic case, wall mounted or hanging construction
light, voice and number signal
wireless connection with terminals
amplifire for a long range
Waiter and service staff calling systems
It happens many times in restaurants and catering units that the guests and buyers cant find waiters or service staffs and the communication are very cumbersome with each other. The waiter and service staff calling systems are providing the best solution to these problems.
MX-CALL waiter, service staff calling systems
waiter calling solution (terminal + watch)
service staff calling solution (terminal + watch)
kitchen calling solution (terminal + watch)
Wireless calling terminals
one button terminal (call)
two buttons terminal (call, cancel)
three buttons terminal (call, cancel, bill)
six buttons terminal (kitchen caller)
plastic case, desktop type
wireless connection with watches and displays
calling method signing in waiter or sevice staff hand
plastic case, waterproof and ergonomic style
voice and vibration mark, text message
wireless connection with terminals
amplifire for a long range
displays for calling method signing
plastic menu holder