Today pharmacies offer various new services to their customers.
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Customers can request advice from their pharmacists and have pharmacists take blood pressure and body fat percentage tests. Intensifying competition makes using solutions that increase customer numbers and sales efficiency indispensable. The solutions offered by MULTIMEX assist users in these areas.
MULTIMEX offers the following main solutions to pharmacies:
comfortable waiting and service environment through the Q-FUSION system
wide range of online information and statistics for the management through the Q-FUSION system
efficient means for providing information to customers and displaying advertisements on LCD monitors and interactive devices using the Q-MONITOR module
survey and processing of customer feedback using the Q-FEEDBACK module
integrated solutions with pharmacy systems (MULTIMEX solutions are integrated and have a proven track record with the most popular Hungarian pharmacy systems (NOVODATA, Lx-Line, Quadro Byte, HC Pointer))
custom CFM solutions, tailored to client needs
Our solutions are used at the following pharmacies:
100 years Pharmacy, Nyíregyháza
7 Korona Pharmacy, Budapest
Alma Pharmacy, Eger
Alma Pharmacy Orient, Budapest
Arany Kígyó Pharmacy, Dabas
Arany Sas Pharmacy, Pécs
Aranyhíd Pharmacy, Balatonfüred
Assisis Szent Ferenc Pharmacy, Szeged
Árkád Pharmacy, Budapest
Árpád Pharmacy, Budapest
Baktay Pharmacy, Dunaharaszti
Belvárosi Pharmacy, Budapest
Benkő Pharmacy, Jánoshalma
Béke Pharmacy, Dunaújváros
Bútorgyári Pharmacy, Veszprém
Centrum Pharmacy, Gyula
Cédrus Pharmacy, Budapest
Corvin Pharmacy, Budapest
Csontváry Pharmacy, Miskolc
Csillaghegy Pharmacy, Budapest
Dózsavárosi Pharmacy, Veszprém
Elixír Pharmacy, Berettyóújfalu
Fény Pharmacy, Budapest
Forrás Pharmacy, Mezőkövesd
EVITAL CORVIN Pharmacy, Budapest
EVITAL MOM Pharmacy, Budapest
Glória Pharmacy, Budapest (KULCS Pharmacy)
Gyógyhír Pharmacy, Budapest
Horizont Pharmacy, Ajka
Ida Pharmacy, Budapest
Inczeffy Pharmacy, Göd
Kamilla Pharmacy, Budapest
Kamilla Pharmacy, Győr
Kárpát Pharmacy, Budapest
Kertvárosi Pharmacy, Tatabánya
Kígyó Pharmacy, Dunaújváros
Kígyó Pharmacy, Szigetszentmiklós
Korona Pharmacy, Pásztó (KULCS Pharmacy)
Levendula Pharmacy, Békés
Levendula Pharmacy, Tatabánya
Medicina Pharmacy, Dunaújváros
Medicina Pharmacy, Sopron
Nádor Pharmacy, Budapest (KULCS Pharmacy)
NON-STOP 200 Pharmacy, Budapest (KULCS Pharmacy)
Olajfa Pharmacy, Tiszaföldvár
Oroszlán Pharmacy, Bicske
Oroszlán Pharmacy, Nagykőrös
Patika Plus Pharmacy, Budapest - Campona
Patika Plus Pharmacy, Székesfehérvár
Patika Plus Pharmacy, Veszprém
Páduai Szent Antal Pharmacy, Ózd
Pirula Pharmacy, Budapest (KULCS Pharmacy)
Regina Pharmacy, Szigetszentmiklós
Remíz Pharmacy, Budapest
Royal Pharmacy, Budapest (KULCS Pharmacy)
Semmelweis Pharmacy, Budapest (KULCS Pharmacy)
Semmelweis University Central Pharmacy, Budapest
Somfa Pharmacy, Budapest
Szebellédy Pharmacy, Sopron
Széchenyi Pharmacy, Szolnok
Szent Anna Pharmacy, Várpalota
Szent Erzsébet Pharmacy, Nyíregyháza (KULCS Pharmacy)
Szent István Pharmacy, Ráckeve
Szent Sebestyén Pharmacy, Nagykovácsi
Szent Márk Pharmacy, Oroszlány
Szinvapark Pharmacy, Miskolc
Szivárvány Pharmacy, Budaörs
Tátorján Pharmacy, Balatonkenese
Thököly Pharmacy, Jászberény
Ulcisia Pharmacy, Szentendre
Unipharma - Budaörs Tesco Pharmacy, Budaörs
Unipharma - CORVIN Pharmacy, Budapest
Unipharma - Mamut Pharmacy, Budapest
Unipharma - WestEnd Pharmacy, Budapest
Vácz Remete Pharmacy, Vác
Zalai Gondviselés Pharmacy, Zalaegerszeg
Zöld Kereszt Pharmacy, Budapest