Education and universities
Students attending universities and other educational institutions of higher education visit student centres three times a year, on average, for administration purposes.
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During exam periods, the number of visits substantially increases, reaching the customer turnover of a larger bank. The leaders of such institutions have realised that this problem cannot be solved with traditional methods.
MULTIMEX offers the following main solutions to universities and other educational institutions:
comfortable waiting and service environment through the Q-FUSION system
wide range of online information and statistics for the management through the Q-FUSION system
efficient means for providing information to customers and displaying advertisements on LCD monitors and interactive devices using the Q-MONITOR module
survey and processing of customer feedback using the Q-FEEDBACK module
integrated solutions with front-end systems
custom CFM solutions, tailored to clinet needs
Our solutions are used by the following universities:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest Business School
Eötvös Loránd University
Károli Gáspár Reformed University
Kempelen Farkas Student Information Centre
Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences
University of West Hungary
Pannon Treasury Human Training Center
Pázmány Péter Cathalic University
University of Pécs
University of Szeged
Semmelweis University
Szent István University
University of Physical Education