Smart solutions in Smartphone Hungary Ltd.’s shop
Nowadays it is not unusual that a mostly on-line trade company has a personal customer service place for keeping in touch with their clients besides letting them collect the items ordered in person.
Smartphone Ltd is not an exception to the rule. The company management facing with the problem created in the shop decided to sort it with a solution that manages the customers, assesses clients' satisfaction, optimizes the processes, and evaluates the professional performance. During our negotiations in person, we managed to convince the management that the Q-FUSION integrated CFM system's modules would help them to achieve the targeted aims. In accordance with that an MXTP-10 touchscreen ticket issuing machine was installed with a large LCD display, and an MXTAB-10 satisfaction evaluating terminal (counter display and satisfaction assessing terminal in parallel) to serve civilised customer management and customer calling.
Recent news
In parallel with the spread of the pandemic, checking body temperature and facemask usage has become inevitable in healthcare institutions, in tertiary education, at customer service offices, in trade, and anywhere, where filtering the patients with a temperature means protecting the health of clients and staff members.
In accordance with the government’s decision, more than 20 mobile KAB buses travel around in all the counties from villages to towns. Citizens can arrange their Government Customer Service issues in their own residences.
Our latest kiosk offers a perfect solution for monitoring and checking the customer/patient traffic and for reducing the potential risks of getting infected by COVID-19 virus or spreading it.
Our Q-TIMER 3.0 appointment scheduler and online queue ticket requesting application successfully proved another implementation. In September 2020 FKF Plc started the rescheduled annual free disposal city-wide clean-up in the districts of Budapest, which had to be put off owing to the COVID pandemic in a different form, as a collection point-based clean-up.
During our pandemic hit era, everybody is trying to reduce the opportunities of personal contact to the minimum. The same rule applies for surgery clinics, hospitals, where an innovative solution, developed in cooperation with Béker-Soft Informatika Ltd, our strategical partner, can be used for registering the patients who arrive with a scheduled appointment.
Patika plus Patikák, another pharmacy network joined the ever-increasing group of pharmacies using the Q-FUSION customer calling-management and information provision system.
Semmelweis University, one of our top clients, got a standardised customer and patient management system introduced in its institutions.
Our latest module, the improved version of Q-TIMER is the 3.0 is a responsive solution that enables the users to make an appointment and get a queue number for a particular customer service online from either a mobile, a TABLET or a PC.
KULCS pharmacies with a national network decided on applying our Q-FUSION 3.0 integrated CFM system.
It took only two days for the Hungarian Army to put up a field hospital on the premises of Dél-Pesti Centrumkórház (Southern_Pest Central Hospital), a unit of Szent László Hospital, in response to the pandemic reaching our country.